Sunday, March 20, 2011

4th attempt


  1. Nice, what engine is this? CB 200?
    is it for sale?

  2. thanks,
    I've asked the owner
    If you interested he'll sell it.
    he would like to start negotiate
    at US $ 10,000

  3. Very nice bike. Am I seeing correctly that there is no rear brake? I see a pedal on the right but where is the drum or disc?

  4. the rear brake is in the left side along with the gear.

  5. Damn, $10,000... the owner must be one greedy bastard... it say's on one blog site's that...
    "the reason indonesian cats build such small bore bobbers is because they are affordable. if you live in the far east (thailand, malaysia, philippines, etc.) and can afford a bike larger than 500cc, you're wealthy. more than 750cc and you are very wealthy" ... for $10,000 you can buy a brand new 1000cc cruiser bike... $10,000 is to much... I'm from southeast Asia too... i wouldn't buy that even if the owners wife is an added bonus... $10,000 is not affordable in Asia... even the Japanese would say " Bakiru"

    I salute your design sir, sorry about the harsh comments.. but it's not aimed at your bike or your company... but to the current owner of the bike you built... as if you can find $10,000 everyday... or maybe i should kidnap one stupid american... LOL

    1. the cb200 original price $3000-4500 in indonesia... the cost building that bike $5000.. exclude shipment cost.. bike is not for sell... but if anyone interest the price is $10000.. it means its not for sale..

  6. Well, it's owner rights' to answer
    hope the owner read it..:D

    Making a custom bike is an addict behavior
    maybe the owner desperately collecting dime
    to start another project..LoL

    By the way, it's kindly strange here
    a bike above 250cc described as a luxurious stuff by the gov.
    so the tax is skyrocket and the price will be doubled or even tripled
    you won't have a new 1000cc cruiser bike for $10,000 here
    It's $30,000 - 35,000 at least

  7. Bang, mau nanya harga motor dan spek nya dnk.. Email ke Makasih bang.

  8. Really nice bike, as all yours :)
    Tell me please what the gas throttle you use on this bike?

    1. It's a custom made gas throttle
      the upper roller and bearing taken from PC's hard drive :)

  9. Untuk pemilik motor diatas, sebelumnya Maapkan saya Mas Bro, komentar saya mungkin sepedas 'Lombok Udel', motor sampean memang bagus Mas Bro,tapi kalau harganya gak kira-kira begitu (walaupun negotiable), ya...mudah-mudahan saja cepat laku Mas Bro,...kalau saya pribadi, duit segitu daripada buat beli motor seperti diatas,lebih baik saya belikan HONDA CBR250 ATAU NINJA RR250,Motor baru,mesin baru,Full paper, + buat modif custom classic or other,duitnya masih sisa banyak,lebih dari cukup kalo buat nraktir Sate Kambing seluruh tetangga se-RT,
    Ma'ap lho Mas Bro, ini hanya hitungan rasional saja,pendapat pribadi, mohon jangan diambil hati,tapi boleh di PISUH-I,... peace V.....

    1. motornya ngga di jual... kalo mau ya harganya segitu kalo kirim ke luar negeri.. lu pikir ongkir dan ngurus tetek bengek murah? btw cb200 full paper aja pasarannya skrg 30-40jt lo...

  10. salut sama Darizt Design yg berani naruh harga selangit, wajar Darizt matok harga segitu bro, itu bukan spek dan tipe mtrnya yg mahal, tapi Idenya / pemikiran pembuatan mtrnya yg mahal, apa lo bisa kepikiran buat mtr ky gitu? dan 1 gua pernah dengar nama Darizt Design from Indonesia di Jepang, wajar darizt naruh barang segitu tinggi, karena building in Darizt bukan sembarang ngebangun motor bro ada kualitas ada harga. Sukses terus buat Darizt, by the way, kgk ada builder mesin besar y? apa saya bisa build mesin besar disini?

    1. Terima kasih mas atas apresiasinya..
      Jujur saja sampai saat ini kami belum dapat kesempatan untuk bikin motor dengan base mesin besar, walaupun secara konsep udah ada beberapa yang pernah kita bikinkan namun belum bisa terealisasikan,semoga kalau tidak ada halangan tahun ini akan ada motor setengah besar yg dibangun :). kalau mas tertarik untuk motor dengan mesin besar bisa langsung hubungi Mas Agus Darizt 0274 7002552, mungkin bisa didiskusikan dulu konsepnya trus nanti akan dibikinkan designnya, yang pasti one bike one design..


  11. Lho ternyata dijual ....?
    Harga 17 jt ... ?

  12. Very nice bike. Am I seeing correctly that there is no rear brake? I see a pedal on the right but where is the drum or disc?
